Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Batch!

A variety of critters... mostly a little smaller than usual. Oh and some of these photos are to prove we have trees around here. Though this is a dead joshua tree...but still totally counts and to be fair...the closest I could find in my direct vicinity...

There are a lot of pieces I did based on the work of others...those will be up...not now. And no articulated works up yet--I ran out of wire last time. Haven't picked up new yet, hope to have those soon...they look great--though in a thin layer currently...much more colorful...hopefully not too much though...

These are the amber pieces... They are a separate series...and pretty strange... They "contain": some long bug teasing a little brown bug with a big ant head he found--meanie; a trapped bog man in a funky amber cube--totally seemed hilarious when we came up with it; a grey spider sitting on a toilet, just seems like if you were going to get trapped in one moment for all time it'd be when you were doing number two; a little big head bug; a confused tadpole--a tadpole...in amber...? Man...sucky day for a tadpole (note: the bog man was not doing too hot either, nor any of them really).
Not sure what this little guy is...he's a worm of some sort...about 2 inches long...and...has a bad case of head lizard...there's a tiny lizard that lives on his head (lizard is not attached but very obnoxious)
Beaked Bear...that is green...and friendly... Though he cannot fly he is in the top of a tree...not sure how he got up there and...getting down does not look promising...
This creature has no limbs, a working yet pretty useless drawer, and a little parasite guy... And I thought my life sucked...
Some weird flipper guy...who's making a face...Mayor Spudzington, he has a hat, and a friend in the hat. The friend is also evil. I'm kidding, he's not evil...just misunderstood.

Small angry mouth bear thing guy thing
The Ducksprouts. 5 small duck...sprouts...
I have no idea what this is. Some little phallic guy...?
Weird moose things...looks like a muppet, no legs...just mouth, eyes, antlers, and a tail--all the necessities.
Cute Shrimp...apparently hiding...cute, but shy.
Message Puppy--a puppy who gives messages. No idea...

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