Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random Sample

Random sample drawing... Still many more projects to upload, but this isn't related to anything get to look at it. Bask in my genius.

Open in a tab to actually get any idea what it actually looks like... This isn't a work of art, just a smattering of techniques of India ink on paper.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Slightly Disfigured Update

Well, not in Davis anymore, was in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for a month, and now living in Chicago. Wow...what an update, here's some illustrations of disfigured folks:

This character is from a series of illustrations outlining a highly allegorical lightly absurd minimalist narrative. I may have my bachelor's in art, but I minored in being obnoxious. All the figures he encounters are in someway "enhanced" to bring out whatever their vice or flaw may be...

There are 37 characters in the series. These are India ink on Tea stained paper and have yet to be mounted. Each character illustration is featured with a couple of notes that will be mounted as well, further explaining and illustrating the story. Here is a glimpse of all the characters that will be featured.

Here's the first series of ink illustrations I've done. Look for updates soon of the finished product of these guys and a few other sets of illustrations. Still doing ceramics too, and have some paintings in the works. Whee...