Worm with brain surgery and added brain worm.

"I need a hammer like I deed another hole in the head" comes with hat...guy...thing.

Monster space explorer with three alien specimens.

His head is a garbage can and his face is inside and he has garbage friends--empty chip bag, crumpled can, and crumpled paper.

Three fire ball buddies. Fire balls always hang out in threes.

Blob monsters of three flavors: lip, neck, snout.

Slug with pack to hold three small young 'uns

Trio of bipedal lip monsters

Capsule Critter containing three numbered ghosts.

Stubblepear, Porta-shark, and Slap-Dash Siamese Twins.

Ugly Worm Baby and two legged teddy bear. Abour an inch tall.

Behold the awesome power of Handstand Squirrel.

Tiny Hamster riding a jellyfish. About 4 inches tall...and before you ask: Hamsters can't breathe under water the jellyfish is flying. And flying jellyfish don't breathe much of anything due to the fact that they are busy flying.

These are all around an inch tall--Ghost, Lump Wearing Tie, Blue monster with red eyes, Snail, orange weird thing, blue long nosed weird thing, flap jack whale, and snorkel turtle.
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